
Mobile light gantry crane

Gantry Crane is a regular crane widely used at open…

Gantry Crane is a regular crane widely used at open ground and warehouses to load and unload.




Product features of mobile light gantry crane:

The mobile light gantry crane is a new generation of innovative products, with improved performance, compact structure, and small headroom dimensions, which can make full use of the effective space of the plant. Fully consider the needs of customers, so that customers increase safety and comfort during use. Standard 2 is equipped with trolley frequency conversion and large vehicle frequency conversion, so that the driving operation is stable and reliable, and can be equipped with maximum lifting frequency conversion or double hoist operation according to the needs of customers on-site working conditions. The maximum lifting capacity is 20T and the maximum span is 30 meters.

Technical Data

Model Capacity(T) Total height(MM) Rated lifting height(MM) Outer span(MM) Innerspan(MM) H(MM)
Pt1-1 1 2000 1390 2000 1760
1 3000 2390 3000 2760 410
1 4000 3390 4000 3760 410
1 5000 4390 4000 3760 410
1 5000 4340 5000 4760 410
1 6000 5340 5000 4760 410
2 2000 1215 2000 1720 535
2 3000 2215 3000 2720 535
2 4000 3215 4000 3720 535
2 5000 4215 4000 3720 535
2 5000 4215 5000 4720 535
2 6000 5215 5000 4720 535
3 2000 1015 2000 1660 685
3 3000 2015 3000 266 685
3 4000 3015 4000 3660 685
3 5000 4015 4000 3660 685
3 5000 4015 5000 4660 685
3 6000 5015 5000 4660 685
5 2000 910 2000 1560 740
5 3000 1910 3000 2560 740
5 4000 2910 4000 3560 740
5 5000 3910 4000 3560 740
5 5000 3910 5000 4560 740
5 6000 4910 5000 4560 740
10 2000 670 2000 1560 880
10 3000 1670 3000 2560 880
10 4000 2670 4000 3560 880
10 5000 3670 4000 3560 880
10 5000 3670 5000 4560 880
10 6000 4670 5000 4560 880


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